How do you know if you need extra home health care for you or your loved one? It’s one of the hard questions we have to ask ourselves. The physical and mental changes that affect the aging process can severely limit an independent lifestyle. 

If you notice a family member is neglecting their hygiene, appears to be losing weight, or sees their medication is off count. It could be signs that you may need to hire an in-home caregiver. 

Hospice Care

If you or your loved one is placed in Hospice care, you may be surprised to learn the limited care you will receive. 

  • Generally, hospice sends a nurse to take vitals 1-5 times a week. 
  • Hospice may send a nurse’s aid one to 3 times a week to come to your home to bath the client. 

We would like to believe we can handle all the care and attention our loved ones require. Or, if we do provide all the needs, we tend to wait until we are exhausted both physically and mentally before we ask for help. 

Our helpers come into your home and:

  • Prepare meals
  • Laundry and other light household chores
  • Grocery shopping and quick errands
  • Rides to medical appointments
  • Personal grooming
  • medication reminders

Hiring a caregiver that your loved one is comfortable with can give you peace of mind that they will be taken care of in a respectful and dignified manner. You are always welcomed and encouraged to drop in and evaluate the level of care the client is receiving. 

If you’re reading this, you may already be thinking you need more help. Please contact All American Senior Care, at (903) 628-5580 to discuss the different levels of in-home care we can provide to you and your loved one.