A Day in the LIfe of our Senior Home Caregivers

Kim, a senior caregiver, arrives at Mr. Dennis’s home at 8 am. If he is already awake, she helps him into his kitchen chair. They chat, and he enjoys a cup of coffee while she prepares his favorite breakfast of two eggs, two sausages, half an english muffin, and half a hash brown patty.
Kim will make notes about Mr. Dennis throughout the day into the care log. When he is finished eating, she fills his water bottle with fresh water, and he takes his morning medications. He wipes his hands, stands with the help of his walker, and takes a few steps into his living room.
Hospice Care
Mr. Dennis has a favorite chair that raises his legs. He tucks a pillow under his swollen legs and pulls a blanket another caretaker made for him to get cozy. Mr. Dennis is on hospice care, so his hospice aide will be in today to help him shower. Afterward, Kim will wash his clothes, dry, fold, and put them away. She will also make his bed, and once a week or more as needed, she will wash Mr. Dennis’s bed linen and make a fresh bed.
Lunch is around noon or 1 pm. It is usually something simple like leftovers, or if he’s feeling like getting out of the house, he and Kim will run an errand and pick up lunch. Kim does simple housecleaning tasks and gets Mr. Dennis settled in his easy chair after lunch.
Shift Change
At 2:00, Beth comes in to relieve Kim. She often sits in the living room with Mr. Dennis, and they chat about their day. Sometimes he likes to ride out in his side by side cart with Beth or Kim and drive around his land. Beth checks the daily log to see if she needs to watch anything during her shift.
Once a week, a Hospice nurse will come to see Mr. Dennis. She will take his vital signs, update his medications and do a general check on his health or well-being. One of our senior caregivers is on hand to let the nurse know if they have observed any changes in his health.
Mr. Dennis has four non-medical caregivers that come into his home during the week. They cook his meals, perform light housecleaning, run errands such as to the grocery store or post office, and keep him company throughout the day. He also has two hospice nurses that come during the week. The RN comes once a week for less than 30 minutes to check his health. The second Hospice aide helps him shower three times a week for approximately an hour each visit. A senior care sitter will care for Mr. Dennis the rest of the time.
Dinner and Relax
Usually, around 6 pm, Beth will prepare Mr. Dennis’s dinner. Afterward, he takes his evening medication. Beth will clean the kitchen while Mr. Dennis gets comfortable in his easy chair in the living room. He covers himself with his blanket and settles in to watch a western show or movie.
Beth enters notes in the care log, say’s goodnight, grabs any garbage that needs to be taken to the curb, and locks the front door on her way out.
If you would like more information about senior sitters, please contact All American Senior Care Services at (903) 628-5580.